Meaning of Attendance (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Attendance is a feminine noun that reveals the quality of what is assiduous, or has a persistent duration. Means frequency, constancy or regular visit.

Originating from the Latin term assiduous or assiduitate, this word refers to something or someone that is busy, constant or continuous. One assiduous individual is someone who doesn't miss, or that appears frequently. He is a diligent, incessant, frequent person.

Some of the main synonyms of attendance they are: frequency, constancy, continuity, regularity, precision, rigor, persistence, application, dedication and obstinacy.

The antonym of attendance is negligence or irregularity. In English, the word attendance is translated by the term assiduity.

See also: the meaning of Frequency.

Attendance and punctuality

Attendance and punctuality are two concepts that, despite being related, have some differences. Attendance consists of being present on a regular basis in an appointment. punctuality means be present at an appointment at the stipulated time..

These two concepts are highly valued in the work context, with some companies awarding prizes to their workers that demonstrate attendance and punctuality, which are characteristics that contribute to increasing the company's productivity and efficiency.

The lack of punctuality and assiduity by a worker is penalized by those responsible for the organization, and impedes the progression of that professional in the company. An in-time worker is a worker who is often absent, while a non-permanent worker is a worker who, despite not being absent, does not meet the established working hours (for example, he arrives late).

Attendance and punctuality are characteristics that vary in importance depending on the culture in question. In England, for example, where "British punctuality" reigns, being late for an appointment is a great lack of respect.

See also: the meaning of Professionalism.

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