Justice suspends women's CNH because of debt; understand the case

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In 2023, a subject began to torment the minds of many consumers. The possibility of suspending the National Driver's License (CNH) as a form of punishment for debts, pursuant to a decision by a judge in Jales, in the state of São Paulo.

Now, recently, the measure has become concrete, with a woman's CNH being suspended for a year as a way of encouraging (or forcing) the payment of a debt and the repair of moral damages.

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Check out what happened in this case and understand what the law says on the subject!

Woman's driver's license suspended due to debts

This decision was taken by Judge Fernando Antonio de Lima. As stated in the process, the measure was taken based on the permission that the Federal Supreme Court (STF) granted.

Still according to the process, the woman presents a “pecuniary debt and an obligation to do. The pecuniary debt concerns compensation for moral damages (R$ 3,000) and a coercive fine”. She was also obliged to hand over the necessary documents for the transfer of a vehicle.

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In addition, it is worth mentioning that the “creditor” sought Justice in order to gain support for the discharge of the debt in question, stimulating the suspension of the debt. driver's license. With that, the judicial authority applied the sanction so that the payment is finally made.

In this case, the woman had her CNH suspended for 1 year, but she can still appeal the decision if she is interested. It is worth noting that the suspension of CNH in this type of situation is not a rule and depends on each case, as well as the understanding of the judge who analyzes the case.


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