Continuing Provision Benefit: the right that many do not know

The Federal Government offers some social benefits to help with the income of low-income families, such as the famous Brazil Aid. However, there are other types of financial aid that many people are not even aware of. since they are little talked about. The Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) is a good example of what we are talking about.

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What is BPC?

The creation of the benefit took place in 1993 through the Organic Law of Social Assistance (LOAS) and allowed the wide identification of the name BPC Loas from the INSS. The right in question offers aid worth a minimum wage for PCD beneficiaries and seniors aged 65 or over (all low-income).

Requirements to receive 

In addition to the conditions mentioned above, it is also necessary that the family members of these people, able to apply for the benefit, are meeting certain requirements. For example:

  • Be Brazilian or Portuguese residing in Brazil (all proven);
  • In the case of people with disabilities, they must have a report from the INSS medical expert in their hands;
  • Family per capita income is up to one quarter (25%) of the current minimum wage;
  • All family members must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico).

Exceptional cases of income requirement

As of January 2022, after the enactment of Law No. 14,176 on July 22, 2021, the income requirement average family member per person may reach half a minimum wage in exceptional cases subject to the following situations:

  • The individual's level of disability;
  • The beneficiary's dependence on third-party help for day-to-day tasks;
  • The amount spent on medical expenses, treatments, items and services that are not offered for free by the Unified Health System (SUS).

How to apply for the benefit?

To apply for BPC assistance, the request is available through the main INSS channels, including the official application “Meu INSS” that can be downloaded from the Play Store and the App Store, but can also be done by phone at number 135. In addition, the Social Security Agencies (APS) offer the same service.

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