THESE Dog Breeds Should NOT Wear Clothes, According to Veterinarians

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Are you one of the many people who have pets at home? If so, is your pet furry or not? Now that low temperatures have arrived, the question remains whether the pets need or not to wear cold clothes.

A veterinary specialist clarified this doubt and gave some tips so that your pet does not get sick.

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Protect your pet in winter

According to the professional, it all depends on the situation. Small animals that have short hair feel colder and, therefore, clothes can be excellent alternatives. To the raceschihuahua, pinscher and dachshund are great examples.

Another situation is for dogs considered elderly. This is because their thermoregulation may be more compromised.

And what races shouldn't wear clothes?

In the same way that there are breeds that will be able to use the clothes, there are those that should not.

To be more specific, dogs that come from extremely cold places are mentioned, such as Siberian husky, chow-chow and German spitz.

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Another very important detail is the non-use of clothes for the animalswho are allergic, as there are fabrics that may cause irritation and itching.

What are the best fabrics?

If you are in doubt about the fabric, cotton is the best of all. That's because it's excellent for thermal control. On the other hand, leather or synthetic fabrics should be the last option, as they can leave the animal damp and contribute to the proliferation of bacteria.

If your animal undergoes any surgical procedure, the clothes are essential for the recovery process. That's because they will be fundamental pieces so that the pet does not access the injury or incision.

Finally, and most important of all, is to understand whether or not your animal likes the clothes. After all, it's no use buying and he doesn't adapt to them.

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