Anatel seeks solution to put an end to abusive marketing

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Virtually everyone who has a telephone number has received a call from them at least once. telemarketingunwanted. The National Agency for Telecommunications (Anatel) seeks to find a definitive solution to end the abuses of this practice, still in 2023.

On the first day of February, the agency passed on this information during a presentation made to assess the balance of actions that are being and will still be taken to resolve this situation. Anatel has been acting since June last year in this respect, with precautionary measures that seek to reduce the number of these calls.

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Among the measures taken, is the authorization to providers to charge for short calls, lasting up to 3 seconds, which was previously not allowed, as well as the blocking of users. Arthur Coimbra, advisor to the agency, spoke about the situation, saying:

“The agency is not just looking at Brazil. Around the world, many countries are experiencing similar problems. We are studying the best practices to build a definitive solution for Brazil (…). We hope that, by the end of the year, we will have a definitive solution.”

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Among the actions that must be implemented is call authentication, a kind of seal of guarantee about who is calling. Through this “seal”, it would be possible for the person receiving the call to already know which company is calling and even the reason for the call.

Not only that, in addition to already knowing in advance the origin and reason for the call, the measure could facilitate the reduction of scams applied by telephones, since the real calls would be authenticated and accompanied by important information for the general public.

By the end of February, Anatel will meet with various associations of collection companies and telemarketing, seeking their point of view, as well as criticisms and suggestions to the plans presented by the agency.

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