NASA discovers new planet that may be fully habitable

The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) NASA, may have discovered a new planet with ideal conditions for life, similar to planet Earth. Called by scientists “TOI 700 e”, the place may be habitable due to the area in which it was found. This is because the region is favorable for the existence of water and, therefore, life can exist.

Paul Hertz, director of astrophysics at NASA, reported that the satellite was created essentially to find other bodies that were the size of the Earth. Earth and that they were close to the stars. The project was launched for this purpose and therefore managed to fulfill its objective.

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The presentation of the new discovery was held last Tuesday (10), while the 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Association was taking place in Seattle.

Discovery of habitable planet by NASA

The great curiosity of the case concerns the size of the planet found. According to NASA, the size of the celestial body is equivalent to that of Earth, being one of the few discoveries with this similarity. The dimensions of TOI 700 e are estimated to be 95% similar to our planet, and it is 100 light years away from the constellation Dorado.

Before the new discovery, three other planets were found by the satellite – TOI 700 b, TOI 700 c and TOI 700 d – and only two of them present a habitable condition (“d” and “e”). This is because both are at an ideal distance for the existence of water on their surfaces, and therefore have ideal living conditions. The probability that the planets are rocky is also very high.

"This is one of the few systems with multiple small, habitable-zone planets that we know of," said NASA scientist Emily Gilbert. According to experts, the planets complete their orbit every 28 days.

It is expected that more planets like these will be found through the satellite, and that they will also present conditions similar to those existing on Earth.

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