Netizens complain about the prices of McDonald's snacks and threaten to boycott the company

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A TikTok user named Matthew Long started a debate about the McDonald's product prices in the United States.

Tiktoker made several complaints and pointed out variations in pricesin some products of the most famous fast-food chain in the world.

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The video outburst came after Matthew went to the cafeteria with his son to ask for a breakfast. Initially, he noticed that it is possible to buy a hamburger for $2 dollars, which would be a reasonable price.

However, the complaint in the video is on the values ​​of other items, such as the Hash Browns, which were priced at $2.29 more than the burger.

Another option of fries cost US$ 4, which would certainly increase the final amount paid for a family breakfast or lunch.

The video already has more than 105,000 views and many users of video social network are agreeing with Matthew's arguments.

The Internet Controversy of McDonald's Prices

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It's important to remember that McDonald's popularity was gained by selling cheap snacks, costing $ 1. Now, other users commented in the video that they stopped going to the establishment, as they were paying high prices for traditional snacks, such as the Big Mac.

After publication, several people commented that they also noticed the increase and that they stopped buying McDonald's because of the price.

One user commented that a Grimace birthday meal combo was $34. Another person recalled that he used to buy two products for $1.

This is not the first time that the fast-food chain has been criticized on the internet. In April, an influencer complained about finding the Bic Mac at almost $19.

For most people on the internet, products are showing values ​​that do not match their quality. Thus, it may be more attractive to spend the amounts in another establishment or buy natural products and consume them at home.

Source: Freepik/Playback

McDonald's CEO Justifies Himself

In an interview with the CNBC TV network, the CEO of McDonalds, Chris Kempczinski, commented on inflation and its influence on the activities of the food multinational.

According to him, the general price volatility experienced in the United States has impacted the amount paid by the company for the raw materials that make up the snacks.

After the statements, tiktoker Matthew Long published new arguments commenting on snack values ​​and questioning whether snack prices are really higher due to inflation.

Furthermore, Long argues that McDonald's hamburgers are not of the quality to be sold "at a price in gold". So far, no representative of the brand has commented on the new lines of the dissatisfied consumer.

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