The task of dealing with restless children on flights can be a real challenge for parents, as it requires a delicate balance between discipline and respect for the individuality of the child. child. However, there are times when this task becomes even more complicated.
Traveling by plane is always a soap opera when we have someone who is totally dependent on their parents. Recently, a mother decided to share her candid experience on Instagram, revealing images of her daughter painting everything available inside the aircraft.
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In the shared video, you can see the child using markers to draw on various surfaces during Delta Air Lines and Qatar Airways flights. She mentions that this activity helps her stay calm during long flights.
A totally unusual situation
It is important to consider that allowing children to draw on alien properties such as seats, windows and tray tables could cause problems for others.
passengers. These scribbles can make it difficult to clean and prepare the seats for the next flights, as well as being totally inappropriate.Proper parenting involves setting boundaries and teaching them about respect and responsibility. Experts agree that relying exclusively on electronic devices, games or allowing them to doodle indiscriminately is not a healthy approach.
It is important for parents to teach their children how to behave properly in different environments, such as flights, where it is necessary to respect the space and comfort of other passengers.
This can be achieved through a combination of communication, consistent discipline, and active parental involvement in their children's education.
It's something that requires many layers behind it, for example, some children can't stand traveling by plane and don't no matter how much you teach about behavior, since we cannot predict what the attitudes of a person will be. child.
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