Rookie crew failure costs BRL 300,000 for airline

in one more episode embarrassing for British Airways airline, an unusual incident occurred during the pushback of an Airbus A350 at London Heathrow Airport.

It turns out that an emergency inflatable slide was accidentally triggered, bringing inconvenience to both passengers and the company itself.

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The mistaken activation of the slide resulted in delays and discomfort for the 331 passengers who were on board the aircraft.

As they prepared for takeoff, they were surprised by the deployment of the inflatable slide, which is normally used in emergency evacuation situations.

Not the first British Airways incident

The incident takes on an even more regrettable dimension when it is revealed that the flight attendant responsible for the accidental activation was performing his first operation aboard the A350.

This suggests that he had previous experience in another model of aircraft, which makes the episode even more surprising and worrying in relation to the security procedures adopted by the company.

Unfortunately, this is not an isolated case. Records of similar situations have been reported in various parts of the world, causing significant financial losses for the airlines involved.

These incidents highlight the importance of rigorous training and constant review of protocols airlines, in order to avoid misunderstandings and guarantee the peace of mind of passengers. passengers.

Although the accidental launch of the slide usually occurs after landing, when the cabin crew forgets to disarm it, it can also occur before takeoff.

In these situations, pilots act quickly, interrupting aircraft operation and requesting assistance to deflate the equipment and provide a new one, always prioritizing the safety of the flight.

British Airways issued an official statement of apology for the inconvenience caused and the damage suffered by passengers.

The company reaffirmed its commitment to safety and stressed the importance of preventive measures to avoid similar occurrences in the future.

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