Blender cornbread recipe: see the step by step

Who doesn't like cornmeal bread, right? For many, Sunday only begins when the young man who sells them walks down the street. After all, they are excellent to accompany a glass of juice, tea or any other beverage. However, how about stopping waiting for the weekend and learning how to make them today?

See below for a delicious blender cornbread recipe. With just a few minutes and ingredients, you can enjoy this super popular cornbread.

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Cornmeal bread

Being Brazilian, it is unlikely that you are not familiar with this popular dish. However, just to be clear, this is a very traditional bread made from corn and wheat, or even rye. Although originally Portuguese, it is a recipe present throughout Brazil, with several variations between each state, such as Paraná, which also received influence from other countries.


There are few items in the recipe, but all must be of quality, especially the cheese or grated coconut. You will need:

  • 1.5 glasses of milk;
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder;
  • Cheese or grated coconut to taste;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • 1.2 cups of sugar;
  • ½ American cup of oil;
  • 3 whole eggs;
  • 2.5 cups of cornmeal.


This is one of the easiest recipes out there, so just follow the step by step to make sure your bread is as delicious as the original. With all the items in hand, put them in the blender and beat until you form a very homogeneous mass. Then, with margarine and flour, grease a mold and place your mixture on top of it. Afterwards, just take it to the preheated oven for about 35 minutes.

Did you see? With few ingredients, you can make a delicious cornbread just like any bakery. Take the test at home and see what your family will think of the recipe.

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