3 signs most likely to break your trust and break promises

Some people tend to take promises very seriously. Therefore, have the trust broken by someone can be very painful, especially when there is some emotional connection. It's important to keep in mind, then, that some signs aren't exactly known for their ability to honor promises.

While this shouldn't stop you from getting to know and trust a person, it's important to do a personality analysis before considering all the promises they'll make to you. Meet the signs least reliable of the Zodiac.

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less reliable signs

It is stressful to have frustrated expectations in the face of promises made by third parties. Therefore, shielding yourself from potential disappointments is necessary. For this, you can use all the necessary tools, including knowing what the Zodiac says.

It's worth remembering that all people are complex and can escape the striking characteristics of their sign, so keep that in mind before avoiding friendship with someone just based on that. However, it is important to have this prior knowledge to help you with a possible behavioral analysis of the person you want to trust.

See below which are the signs that break promises the most:

Capricorn: promises made for one's own benefit

Capricorn people have a bad reputation for being selfish and manipulative. So you're likely to hear a promise or two made with a lot of sentimentality and drama. But don't be fooled: as soon as you forgive, give them a second chance or an opportunity, chances are they won't keep their promises.

Scorpio: Lack of self respect

Scorpio natives may not be a threat to others, but to themselves. They are people who want to help and are always doing things for others, but they don't have the same care for themselves, and are often breaking their own promises and disrespecting their Limits.

Libra: the eternal fear of displeasing

Being the nice person, liked by everyone, kind and charitable, usually takes its toll. Libras can't set boundaries, which is why they don't like to say "no" right away. The price of this, however, is to be always creating promises in order to postpone this “no”.

This is frustrating, both for the person asking and for the Libra. Therefore, she always demands an immediate response, without delay. This will perhaps force you to make up your mind soon.

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