the races of brachycephalic cats need more elaborate care, with that, the attention with these felines must be redoubled, so check now all the necessary care to keep your pet healthy and full of energy. Keep reading!
How to care for brachycephalic cats
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First of all, tutors should know how to identify the brachycephalic kitten, so the kitten with this condition is anyone whose snout is flattened. The anatomy of your skull is different from the common pattern. In summary, the animal can be identified by the size of the nose, which is usually small.
Main care for these breeds
Generally, breeds considered brachycephalic require extra attention. With that, the main concern is to pay attention to days of exorbitant heat, as well as those days that are very cold. Due to the anatomy of its snout, the cat has a lot of difficulty exchanging heat with the environment and, because of this, feels very uncomfortable when there is any drastic change in temperature.

In addition, during periods of lower air humidity of the year, kitten tutors should further encourage water intake. Therefore, the ideal is to spread several sources of water around the house and follow your hydration. Such care is essential for the well-being of these breeds.
In addition, the tutor should encourage the kitten to practice some light-impact physical activities so that the animal does not become extremely panting and experience difficulty breathing. Another interesting fact is that it is quite common for cats with this condition not to like heights. So it's cool to enrich the environment horizontally.
What are the breeds of brachycephalic cats
The best known brachycephalic cat breeds are the Persian and the Burmese. Observing these breeds, the nasal characteristics are quite remarkable, as the snouts are much smaller and flatter when compared to other felines.
Due to this characteristic, the Burmese demands extra attention, as the limitation of its muzzle can cause dysfunctions, such as obesity.
In addition to the breeds mentioned above, it is worth mentioning that there is also, among the various brachycephalic kittens, the Himalayan cat, which, like the others, demand the same care mentioned.
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