According to NASA, we will work and live on the moon by 2030

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According to Howard Hu, who is leader of NASA's Orion lunar spacecraft program, NASA, they will send people to the surface of the moon, and there they will remain working. NASA launched the powerful new space launch system, also called the SLS rocket, last week, where it sent the Orion spacecraft to the moon.

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Evolution: Man Returning to the Moon

The launch of Orion had been repeatedly delayed, and with its execution, NASA's ARTEMIS missions were set in motion. These are the first big steps for man to return to the moon in almost 50 years.

This time, the Orion is unmanned, not least because the purpose of this launch was just to test its ability to take a capsule to the moon and return to Earth. However, it is hoped that next time the spacecraft will be launched with a crew, so that astronauts can circle the moon.

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If the test mission is a success, the same spacecraft could send humans to the moon for the first time since 1972. The plan is for the crew occupying the spacecraft to land near the south pole of the moon, where they will remain for a week, in order to look for signs of water. If water is found, it will be used to supply the crew, who will then head to Mars.

This means that permanent human bases need to be built to support mining and scientific activities. According to Hu, this is the first step towards long-term deep exploration, and it is a world milestone.

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