Result of Enade 2021 is released by Inep

The results of the National Student Performance Examination (Enade) 2021 have already been made available to the appropriate university course coordinators. In this way, it is possible to adjust existing deficiencies in each area of ​​knowledge of the courses offered by each university, whether public or private. Follow this article in its entirety and learn more about the Enade 2021 result published by Inep.

Read more:Enade 2022: dates, registration and tests; check out everything you need to know

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What is Enade and what is it for?

First, it is important to know that Enade means, literally, the National Performance Examination of Students, which is nothing more than a component test of the National Higher Education Assessment System (SINAES).

This evaluation is carried out annually by Inep (National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira), however, in each edition, a specific group of graduates (from a total of three areas) is chosen to be examined.

As a result, it is possible to evaluate degree programs in Brazil, as well as determine whether material taught in classrooms and fees collected from students are of good quality for the population.

Enade's first time after the pandemic

This is the first exam after isolation done to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. According to Carlos Moreno, president of Inep, the current assessment cycle allows students interested in starting a higher education program compare the programs offered by various institutions in the same field and choose the best one.

Data from Enade 2021

A total of 492,461 students signed up for Enade 2021, where 74% were enrolled in courses in degree, 19% in baccalaureate programs and 7% in technical training programs (totaling the three areas). The test was administered in 22,671 classrooms located in 1,409 communities.

According to the survey, 67% of students (330,284) came from private universities, while 33% (162,177) came from public universities. This evaluation covered 1,073 private institutions, totaling 82% and 239 public institutions, totaling 18%.

Furthermore, of all the 7,997 courses that participated in Enade last year, where the majority, contemplating 5,043 (63%) courses were for a degree, then 2,121 (27%) for a bachelor's degree and, finally, 833 were for technical courses (10%).

According to the general coordinator of Higher Education Quality Control, the majority of the profile is made up of women over 24 years old, single, with parents who have not completed higher education, with a family income of up to three minimum wages and who work more than 20 hours weekly.

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