Tchau, Brazil: BRL 30,000 undergraduate scholarship offered by US university

If the plan for this year was to study abroad, this opportunity cannot be passed up! Illinois Wesleyan University, which accepts students from diverse countries, is offering a full scholarship worth up to R$30,000 for undergraduate courses. Applications close on March 15th. Check out more details.

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The university offers three types of scholarships. The choice should come from the student himself. The first option offered is the President’s Scholarship, with a full scholarship for the entire undergraduate course lasting up to four years. The “all paid” guarantee will depend directly on the student's performance in the course.

The second offered is the Merit-Based Scholarship.

This scholarship is designated for students who have shown exemplary performance during the school term. Between R$ 16,000 and R$ 30,000 annually, the amount can vary and must be valid for four years. There is a caveat to the second modality, however. The university requires BRL 50,000 per year from the student, so the value of the second scholarship option will not cover all expenses with graduation.

The third and last modality is exclusive to low-income students. Excellent performance throughout the course is required for the scholarship to be maintained. At the site, Candidates can apply using a form. There, candidates will also be able to find out about the complete proposal.

To enter the university, these are the required documents:

  • Diploma in English;
  • Academic record;
  • English proficiency certification;
  • Copy of passport;
  • Family income statement;
  • Letter of recommendation written in English by a professor who can demonstrate academic aptitude and knowledge of English;
  • Standardized test scores (SAT or ACT).

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