These are the top 8 reasons to love a caramel mutt

The mutts are dogs known for not having a defined race and share very similar characteristics. In the case of the caramel mongrel, the hairs do not tend to grow and remain in golden or brown colors, gaining popularity in Brazilian streets and alleys. Unfortunately, many of these dogs are found on the streets because they don't have a home.

The truth is that the guarantee of a home does not depend directly on the personal characteristics of the stray, but it can become a great ally in your routine after being adopted. So check out these 8 reasons why the caramel mutt can be so passionate!

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10 reasons to love caramel mutts

1. are loyal

Mutts are very loyal to their owners and can easily make themselves at home.

2. are smart

They can adapt to any environment and tend to be very intelligent. It's almost a matter of survival to face different issues on the streets. Owners can easily train a caramel mutt.

3. They are a Brazilian symbol

It is an indefinite mix of other dog breeds, representing a cultural diversity that belongs to Brazil.

4. have a lot of energy

Mutts can be overly active and are always willing to play no matter what.

5. can be adopted

There are a large number of caramel stray dogs, which facilitates the adoption of the animal in any shelter.

6. there is no other like it

Caramel mutts have a unique personality, not similar to any other breed. Friendly and spontaneous, you can fall in love in seconds!

7. are healthy

Because of the mixing of races, caramel is not as willing to acquire or develop genetic diseases. Generally, purebred dogs follow this claim.

8. are charismatic

A trait also for being playful, toffees tend to be a lot of fun. Sympathy can be the main factor in winning your heart.

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