60's, 70's and 80's: What are the most popular names of each era in Brazil?

Baby names come and go in fashion over time, reflecting the cultural and social trends of each era. In the 60s, 70s and 80s, some names were very popular in Brazil and continue to this day.


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A 60's was marked by important transformations in Brazil, both social and political and cultural. At the time, some baby names were quite popular, such as Ana, Maria and José, which incredibly never went out of style and are back to being quite successful today. These names reflect the influence of Catholic culture, where one can see the importance of religiosity in Brazilian society.

In the 60s, the most popular names for girls and boys in Brazil were:


  1. A-N-A;
  2. Maria;
  3. Sandra;
  4. Marta;
  5. Celia;
  6. Sonia;
  7. Tania;
  8. Lucia;
  9. Silvia;
  10. Regina.


  1. Joseph
  2. Paul
  3. Antonio
  4. Carlos
  5. Luiz
  6. John
  7. Francisco
  8. George
  9. Fernando
  10. Frames

The 70's

At The 70's, Brazilian culture was undergoing major changes, and parents wanted to give their children names that were enduring and conveyed traditional values. The names chosen at the time reflected this search for stability and continuity, even in the midst of so much chaos.

Some of the more common names included:


  1. Maria
  2. A-N-A
  3. Rosangela
  4. thereza
  5. Irene
  6. Helena
  7. sueli
  8. aparecida
  9. Terezinha
  10. Ilza.


  1. claudio
  2. Sergio
  3. Paul
  4. John
  5. Joseph
  6. Mario
  7. Edison
  8. Wilson
  9. ronaldo
  10. milton

The 80s

A 80's it was a period of great cultural effervescence in Brazil, with music, fashion and television strongly influencing society at the time. Among the most popular baby names in the 1980s were:


  1. A-N-A
  2. Juliana
  3. Fernanda
  4. Camila
  5. Patricia
  6. Priscilla
  7. Luciana
  8. Vanessa
  9. cristiane
  10. Carolina


  • Marcelo
  • alexander
  • Andre
  • Edward
  • Rafael
  • fabio
  • Thiago
  • bruno
  • Leonardo
  • vinicius

It is interesting to observe how tastes and trends change over time, but many of these names are still chosen by Brazilian parents even today, showing their popularity.

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