On the last January 17th, the Ministry of Education (MEC) approved a readjustment in the salary floor for teachers across the country. Thus, the salary will increase from R$ 3,854.63 to R$ 4,420.55. However, educators from Espírito Santo may be left out of the readjustment.
According to the Secretary of Education of Espírito Santo (Sedu), teachers already receive more than what is established by the new national floor. Today, the salary in the state is R$ 4,579.20 for a workload of 40 hours.
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Also according to the folder, there was restructuring in the Career Plan of the Magisterium in 2021. As a result, higher-level teachers received a 25% correction in their salary input.
It is worth remembering that teachers' salaries, despite being defined by the MEC, are paid by the municipal and state secretariats of each Brazilian federation.
What do city halls say?
The Vitória Education Secretariat (Seme) reported that in July 2022 it readjusted the salaries of more than 4,000 teachers in the public network. For a workload of 40 hours a week, BRL 4,247.99 is paid – almost BRL 200 less than the national minimum.
To compensate, according to the city hall of the capital of Espírito Santo, there are benefits and performance bonuses for education professionals. The folder, however, did not inform whether it will adjust the salary to the floor established by the Ministry of Education.
Vila Velha, in the metropolitan region of Vitória, has more professionals in the municipal education network. The Municipal Secretariat stated that it had already announced an adjustment before the MEC's decision.
However, educators have 25-hour contracts. The teacher who complements the workload and completes 40 hours per week will receive R$ 4,511.84.
Is CNM against the new salary floor for teachers?
The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) recommended caution to managers regarding the new salary floor for teachers. This is because the value was established by ordinance and, therefore, has no legal certainty.
In a note sent to G1, the Association of Municipalities of Espírito Santo (Amunes) shares the same position. In addition, it states that it maintains the position of 2022, that municipalities are not obliged to give a readjustment based on a provision without legal validity.
Check out the note from Amunes:
“As long as there is no regulating law, CNM and Amunes consider the readjustment of the teaching profession unconstitutional and continue to recommending caution and prudence to municipal managers, while there is no legislative solution for the readjustment of the floor".
Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.