Changes to enrollment in Fies: STF votes and decides subject

O FIES (Student Financing Fund) is a program of the Brazilian Federal Government whose objective is to finance the studies of students enrolled in higher education courses at private educational institutions. Recently, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) made an important decision regarding the program. Keep reading and learn more.

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The program is aimed at low-income students who are unable to pay university tuition fees. Financing can be partial or full and the interest rate is relatively low compared to other types of credit.

To apply for Fies, the student must meet certain criteria, such as having completed the AND EITHER (National High School Examination) from 2010, have a per capita family income of up to three minimum courses and do not have a higher education diploma.

In addition, you must have a score greater than zero in the essay and an average of 450 points to participate. If you are a Fies user, stay tuned for a new Supreme Court decision taken this February. Check out!

Federal Supreme Court analyzes the text on Fies

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) unanimously decided that in cases of renewal of signed contracts before 2015, it is not necessary to have a grade higher than zero in the essay and an average of 450 points for the participation. The decision goes against PSB's request for some rules to be overturned.

“The situation of uncertainty regarding the scope of the new requirements proved to be sufficient for the configuration of the plausibility of the right invoked by the applicant, with regard to the violation of the legal security of students who were already in the system and who were unable to renew their contracts”, said rapporteur, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso.

However, Minister Luíz Roberto Barroso voted to maintain the validity of the amendments proposed by the text in relation to students who only started using Fies after publication.

“The requirement of an average of more than 450 points and a score of more than zero in the Enem essay is a reasonable criterion of selection of students who will receive public funding to pay for their access to higher education”, added.

The FIES is an option for students who wish to attend a private college, but do not have the financial means to pay the full tuition fees.

However, it is important to remember that funding must be paid upon completion of the course, so it is important to carefully assess your ability to pay before enrolling in the program.

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