Artificial Intelligence helps prepare for job interviews

Currently, with the economic crisis, the unemployment it only increases. If you are one of the thousands of Brazilians without work, it is natural that there is no room for failure in the act of interview. After all, with the great competition, each opportunity is unique, isn't it?

In this sense, now check out a super tool that can help you prepare and do well in interviews to win the job of your dreams and stand out among the other candidates.

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O Interview Warmup is a website launched by Google that formulates relevant and common questions in interviews, to be answered in written or oral form. This Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables you to gain insights into your responses by making suggestions based on data on points you raised in the discussion, the most commonly used words and terms and/or most suitable.

The AI ​​tool is not yet available in Portuguese, but you can easily use the site using Google's automatic translation feature. Check below a step by step to use the platform.

Interview Warmup: step by step

  1. Access the website” and check if your browser has automatically translated the page. If not, check if the option is active on the right, in the bar that contains the link;
  2. Click on “Start practicing”;
  3. Direct your study indicating the area of ​​expertise and select one of the options presented;
  4. Click start AI, which will direct you to 5 initial questions. It is important at this point that you accept the browser's permission to use the microphone;
  5. Answer the questions. Even with the Google feature active, the AI ​​remains in English. If you have good language skills, you can easily proceed. Otherwise, you will be required to respond via Google Translate. Access:;
  6. Use the insight buttons to learn more. You can also download your responses.

Now you can practice key questions, formulate more confident and assertive answers and have a more comfortable interview, showing more confidence to win the job.

Lover of movies and series and everything that involves cinema. An active curious on the networks, always connected to information about the web.

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