Find out which languages ​​are most valued by companies!

In multinational companies, where contact with other countries of different languages ​​is necessary, mastering the spoken language of these countries brings a highlight within the work environment. Come check out what are the most valued languages by these companies.

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The 6 most valued languages ​​on the market

Among the most sought after among professionals are:

  1. English

The most spoken language in the world, known as the language of money, is also the most valued language in the job market. In this sense, in the job market, no matter what branch it is in, English becomes the basic to conquer space.

In some companies being fluent in English is mandatory, especially companies focused on abroad. So, having good English makes a professional an interesting differential.

  1. Spanish

Coming right behind English, Spanish is also one of the most widely spoken and popular languages ​​in the world and is no different in the professional field. Spanish is the mother tongue of a total of 44 countries and most are in Latin America, home to important economic blocs such as, for example, Mercosur.

For this reason, many national industries require the basics of the language for their employees, as in addition to bordering Spanish-speaking countries, there is great trade between them.

  1. French

This is a language that is marked by its historical influence, but also economic. French currently has 50 countries and 300 million people who speak this language, and France is one of the richest countries in the European Union and in the world.

  1. mandarin

This language is becoming more and more important and gaining notoriety in the job market and who can mastering this language gains greater prominence, especially in companies that intend or work with commerce outside.

China, the country that speaks the most Mandarin in the world, is Brazil's main economic partner and is currently the second largest economy in the world. Therefore, fluency in Mandarin can offer a differential in the curriculum and career.

  1. German

For many, German has a very high degree of complexity and therefore they avoid having this language as a second or third spoken language. For this reason, as a differential, having fluent German brings an extra highlight for those who master it, since Germany has good commercial relations with Brazil. Furthermore, in addition to being a major economic world power, the German country is also a technological powerhouse.

  1. Japanese

Japanese, like German, is known to be a very complex language to learn and master. However, it can be indispensable for professional growth. Brazil, in addition to having many Japanese descendants, has good commercial relations with the Asian country.

For this reason, having this language in the curriculum brings an extra differential for those who risk learning the language, particularly in the technology, aerospace, gaming and nanotechnology.

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