Expand your vocabulary by using these 11 words; only the smartest know

Communication is an important tool for maintaining a relationship with others. Therefore, to improve your communication, increase the vocabulary it is fundamental, especially when it is necessary to speak more formally. Intelligent people with a vast repertoire of words certainly know and use these words. Thus, these people are able to express themselves and communicate more assertively on a daily basis.

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Find out what these words are

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Used in the legal environment to refer to activities carried out externally, diligence means care, competence and agility. When someone tells you to be diligent about a situation, they mean you should be careful.


Refers to people who lack judgment or do not express consideration for others. It can be used figuratively to provoke awkwardness in others.


Those who use this word want to refer to a situation in which there is originality, truth or something of quality. When you are very sincere to someone, you can tell that you are being genuine.


The term fateful refers to a remarkable event, usually a tragedy. It's a bad situation and one that nobody expected. People often say: “On that fateful day, I fell down the stairs”.


This seemingly difficult word refers to something that it is not possible to investigate, understand or penetrate. Can be used for people or things.


The word impregnable refers to a situation that is not possible to be overcome or conquered. There is another meaning also attributed to this term, when referring to a person who is fearless or difficult to control.


Bad weather is associated with bad weather conditions, such as a big storm or intense drought. Also, it can refer to an unfavorable or negative circumstance for someone.


Being laconic means maintaining a certain distance in communication, in which people manifest themselves with brief and summarized speeches.


Prerogatives are advantages given to someone by virtue of their position or position. Like a lawyer's prerogative to talk to a judge without an appointment.


Self-importance is when someone has a very positive opinion of themselves, but in a less than humble and exaggerated way. Hers is always the best, she's the prettiest, etc.


The word puerile is related to something childish, from childhood or children and refers to innocence. If an adult is told that he is being childish, it means that this adult is being childish or immature.

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