Cats are well known for their whiskers – which can sometimes be super long! However, did you know that, in fact, they have an essential function for the survival of humans? cats? Unlike us humans, who use these hairs for purely aesthetic reasons, kittens use them to guide themselves!
Yes! These structures, made of keratin, are essential for the animals to maintain their balance and are able to move freely, ensuring that they understand where their body can go.
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In addition to the mustache hairs, those that are found above the eyes and also on the chins have the same function for the feline anatomy.
Understand the importance of cat whiskers
As we said above, this structure is extremely important for kittens to stay guided and safe. That's why it's very important never to cut or rip them off.
That's because the cat, to get an idea of its size, is guided by the size of the mustache, which is usually the size of the widest part of its body.
So they (almost) never get into places they can't get out of. Or, then, they enter places that you ask yourself: how do they fit there? The answer is in the mustache!
In addition, whiskers also help them to stay safe. For each moustachebeing connected to very sensitive areas of the cat's body, by picking up small vibrations, it can prepare itself. The fur captures the wind and also the force of footprints, for example.
What happens if you cut a cat's whiskers?
By removing the “excess” of your cat's mustache, it may become unbalanced and lose some notions of tact. For example, he can "miss the aim" when preparing to jump or get stuck somewhere, because he no longer has the same notion of his size.
The same applies when the kitten puts on a lot of weight, as the width of its trunk is greater than what the length of its whiskers indicates.
Kittens tend to be more frustrated and anxious, as their movements will no longer be as agile as they were before having their hair cut. So don't cut your kitty's mustache!