Are you able to find the fish hidden in the picture in 10 seconds?

Optical illusion is a phenomenon that occurs when the brain interprets visual information in a not very clear and distorted way. As a result of this, there is a kind of distortion of reality, that is, things appear to be what they are not in reality.

However, this does not mean that the optical illusion be a negative phenomenon, quite the contrary, since it brings countless benefits.

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Optical illusion brings benefits

While optical illusion can be confusing or misleading in some cases, it can also have benefits. For example, optical illusions serve as a great tool to train cognitive activities.

Through them, it is possible to train visual aspects such as observation, develop perception skills and stimulate creativity. That is, the greater the exposure of the brain to some type of optical illusion, the greater the stimulus in its cognition.

You have 10 seconds to find the fish

In this sense, we propose a very fun and, above all, stimulating challenge. In it, you will need to find the figure of a fish present in an image with blue waves.

As it is an optical illusion, the challenge does not promise to be simple, so you must pay as much attention as possible. And remember: you only have 10 seconds.

So, start the timer and start the challenge!

check the picture

Optical illusion

As I said before, not easy, is it? Notice that you're seeing weird things that aren't even in the picture. This is the effect that optical illusion has on our brain. But if you see a fish, that's right, it's not a mirage!

Remember that time is ticking, you now only have 5 seconds. Therefore, it is better to hurry.

Last seconds! Try to observe a little more calmly to be more accurate. The more you despair, the harder it is to find the fish.

Finished time. Let's go to the solution!


Well, in that short amount of time, you've stimulated your brain quite a bit with just this optical illusion challenge. Practicing exercises of this type, you develop your level of attention considerably. Now, it's time to reveal the fish. Check out:

Optical illusion
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