Personality test: choose a car and see what your driver profile is

O personality test It is a technique in the area of ​​psychology that aims to analyze traits related to personality and also to evaluate a person's psychic functioning. In today's test, we separate an image with some car models, so you can choose one and find out what your profile is as a driver.

Choose now which model you like the most and, after that, read in the car model topic, your personality type.

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Read more: Personality test: what does the image say about your personality?

See the meaning for each type of car model:

Check now the meaning of the chosen car model and see what your personality is as a driver.

1. sports model

This type of car characterizes a driver who is passionate about adrenaline, that is, a person who lives his days with intensity and enjoys every moment that life offers. He is a super extroverted person who likes attention, in addition to loving meeting new places and new people.

2. SUV model or truck style

Pickup trucks and SUV-style car models demonstrate self-confidence and commanding personality, or that is, he is a person who likes to demonstrate a lot of power, especially when it comes to his powerful.

3. muscle car model

High performance, size and power are the hallmarks of a muscle car model. Whoever chose this model is an introspective person who is not so sociable. Your way can generate judgments from people who don't know you, however, your heart is huge and your loyalty is enviable.

4. sedan model

The sedan model indicates that you, both as a driver and as a person, are very rational and do not let your emotions take over any situation. In addition, this type of car model indicates leadership, attention, loyalty and a lot of kindness. In short: he's the kind of person everyone wants around!

5. vintage model

He is the type of person who likes and values ​​classic things and, despite not being very attached to the environment, he is a very attentive person and knows how to put himself in his neighbor's shoes. People who choose the vintage model tend to appreciate art and go to many art galleries.

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