Risks of oral contraceptives

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Currently, there are several ways to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Among the most used methods, theoral contraceptives, which can be combined (estrogens and progestins) or formed only by progestins, in which case they are called minipills.

The effectiveness of this contraceptive method is not discussed and can reach up to 99%. However, despite being very effective in protecting against pregnancy, many researchers are trying to understand how these pills can negatively affect women's health.

Among the main unpleasant effects of this contraceptive method, we can highlight nausea and headaches and breast pain. Although they usually do not cause great harm to health, these effects can affect the user's quality of life.

Read too:contraceptive methods

Consequences of using oral contraceptives

However, the risks of contraceptives can go beyond these more common effects, and studies have revealed serious consequences in certain groups. One of these works proved, for example, that there is a increase in the number of deaths due to cervical cancer in women who use the pill.

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However, this conclusion is quite controversial, as many believe that this association occurs because women who use oral contraceptives use fewer barrier methods and, consequently, are more exposed to HPV. In addition, women who use the pill go to the doctor more often, which increases the chance of a diagnosis.

Another consequence of oral contraceptives is a increased systolic and diastolic pressures. This problem has greater consequences in people who already have hypertension, as any change, even if small, can cause great harm to these patients.

The oral contraceptive is also considered a risk factor for the development of Brain stroke (BIRD) in women who smoke, who have high blood pressure or who are over 35 years of age. Some studies suggest that women who use low-dose hormonal contraceptives have no risk of stroke.

The use of oral contraceptives too may be related to the development of glaucoma, a disease that can lead to blindness if not treated properly. According to a 2013 work by “National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey”, women who use contraceptive pills for more than three years have a 5% risk of developing the disease. It is noteworthy that more studies are being carried out to assess this risk.

Women who use combined oral contraceptives also have greater chances of developing venous thromboembolism, which can evolve into deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The risk of thromboembolism is higher in oral contraceptives called “third generation”, which are made up of ethinylestradiol associated with gestodene or desogestrel.

Also access:pulmonary embolism

It is worth noting that, despite research indicating risks associated with the use of oral contraceptives, this medication has several benefits. Among the main advantages is the reduction of premenstrual tension (PMS), menstrual flow and the incidence of endometrial, ovarian and colon cancers.

Attention! Every drug has risks if not properly prescribed. Therefore, do not use oral contraceptives if they are not indicated by a gynecologist after evaluating the health status and history of illnesses.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/biologia/riscos-dos-anticoncepcionais-orais.htm


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