Federal Government analyzes readjustment in transfers to meals

Also in September 2022, the former President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro (PL), vetoed a readjustment to the snacks of public schools and kindergartens, thus adding to the other four years that were already uncorrected, totaling five years without readjustment.

The motivation for such a veto, according to Bolsonaro, was that such readjustment it would go against the public interest, as it would block a portion of the Budget, taking away the government's flexibility to move resources. In addition, the former president claimed that the correction of values ​​would harm other Union bodies and some programs of the Ministry of Education itself.

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The values ​​passed on by the Union for the states and municipalities to use in the snack school is variable, and they are BRL 1.07 per day for each full-time student or day care center; BRL 0.53 per day for preschool students; It is BRL 0.36 per day for each high school and elementary school student.

According to the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, “there has been no readjustment in school lunches for six years, which is the transfer that the FNDE makes to municipalities and states. So the president is authorizing us to carry out a study and soon he will announce a readjustment, an increase in funds transferred to states and municipalities and the idea is to do this even before the beginning of the school year, from February".

In this way, the federal government is analyzing carrying out these readjustments even before the 2023 school year begins. The minister made the statements after a meeting with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), held on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 10th.

For the year 2022, the amount transferred by the Federal Government for school lunches was R$ 3.9 billion in total.

Finally, as provided for in the 2023 budget guideline, which has already been approved by Congress, the amount referring to transfers can be corrected by inflation that has accumulated since the last readjustment, which took place in 2017, which is equivalent to R$ 1.3 billion more, according to the Food Observatory School.

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