Hidden meaning of barbershop pole colors finally revealed!

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Visiting the barbershop frequently has become routine for many men. Whether weekly or monthly, these visits play a crucial role in improving self-esteem. In addition, they make it possible to renew the partnership with the professional – an important gesture, since the barber, like everyone else, has a family to support!

Many of these spaces provide a comfortable environment, offer various drinks and even games to distract, making the place practically unforgettable for those who lead a busy life. With so many new elements, certain details can go unnoticed, without realizing that each aspect of the environment carries a meaning.

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Even barbershop colors have a purpose. Have you noticed the object with the colors red, white and blue in the entrance?

Photo: Canva.

The barbershop pole and the meaning of colors

During the Middle Ages, barbers played a much broader role than just hair care. In addition to cutting and styling, they also performed minor surgery, including tooth extraction. Barber poles, which are still used today, have a curious origin at this time.

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In barbershops, colors have symbolic meanings that go back to the history of this profession. Each color carries a special meaning and represents elements related to the work of barbers over the centuries.

Red, for example, symbolizes the blood shed by patients. In times past, barbers were not limited to just cutting hair and shaving, but also performed surgical procedures such as tooth extraction. Red represents the color of the blood that was spilled during these interventions.

White is associated with bandages used to stop bleeding after surgeries performed by barbers. These bandages were essential for wound care and healing for patients.

Finally, blue symbolizes the veins cut during surgical interventions performed by barbers. This color is related to procedures involving blood flow and patient veins.

Now, when visiting the barbershop, you can appreciate the poles that tell the story of this ancient profession.

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