How to take screenshots of WhatsApp for legal proceedings?

Everyone has that print that can be the full proof of a lawsuit, but few know how to present and keep it safely. In this context, if you have an important print that can be used as evidence, you need to take some precautions. Follow the text and see what experts have to say on the subject.

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How to preserve your print?

According to digital forensic specialist Ana Moura, what people overlook when taking a print is the context in which that message is inserted. In this way, it is important to pay attention to capture from where the conversation started until the moment of the test, because it is this information that will allow the authority to understand the whole context and be able to discern the final decision.

Another important fact is not to make any changes to the messages, that is, not to delete any information, image or contact. Thus, the more preserved the conversations are, the better for decision-making.

The accuracy of the information is extremely important.

There is nothing in the law that configures prints as evidence for a lawsuit, however, in the same way, there is nothing against their use. According to the expert, they can be considered valid in two ways:

  • Notary Minutes: You can go to a notary to register all the data contained in the device, in which he describes in detail all the content presented, and then sign it. This will give validity to the proof, after all, every notary is endowed with public faith;
  • Forensic Tools: This method is a little more complicated, as it is exclusively prepared by a digital forensic. It is organized according to ISO 27037, which regulates print as digital evidence. In this case, the conversation needs to be preserved from beginning to end for the work to be carried out. It is worth remembering that only specialists can make this document.

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