Rare Eclipse in Aries Happens This Week; understand its effects

This Thursday, the 20th, the first eclipse of 2023 will take place. It takes place at 1:12 am, in the last degree of Aries, when the Sun is preparing to enter the sign of Taurus.

This will be a rare eclipse as it is a Hybrid. It is estimated that this type of phenomenon happens only once every decade.

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The eclipse will have full visibility, but only if you are in Western Australia and the eastern countries of Timor-Leste and some parts of Indonesia. In addition, it will be partial to parts of Southeast Asia, Antarctica, New Zealand and Micronesia.

We, who live here in South America, will be happy this time. However, we will feel some of its effects.

What will be the effects of the eclipse?

In Astrology, eclipses are very powerful moments, with great concentration of energy. Many even believe that its effects can last for many months.

As this Thursday's eclipse will be in the last degree in

Aries, can bring a feeling of “now or never” to people. After all, this is the sign of urgency, courage and boldness.

However, in addition to this conjunction between the Sun and the Moon, there will be a square between the two stars and Pluto. This means that issues involving use or abuse of power can come to the fore. Caution: there may also be some kind of violence. More precautions will always be welcome.

A strong end of cycles energy can be felt. More than that, important people can say goodbye to us, as well as natural disasters and collective disincarnations can happen. So prepare for the worst.


The stars ask us to be very careful with recklessness and impulsiveness on this April 20th – above all because the following day Mercury goes retrograde for a little while. These two feelings are the dark side of Aryans and can easily generate crises.

Plan yourself a lot and breathe one, two, three,... as many times as possible.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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