O faithful, Student Financing Fund, opens registration for the first half of 2023 this Tuesday (7). This semester's edition will have 67,301 vacancies available, out of a total of 112,168 vacancies offered throughout the year in 1,389 private institutions of higher education.
Candidates who can apply are those who have taken the National High School Examination (And either) as of 2010, with an arithmetic average of test scores equal to or greater than 450 points and a score greater than zero in the essay. In addition, it is necessary that the gross monthly family income, per person, does not exceed three minimum wages.
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Run! The complementary registration period for Fies is open…
Ministry of Education releases first call for Prouni 2023
The results of the selection process will be released on March 14th, and the candidates who obtain the approval will be able to finance the portion of the tuition not covered by scholarships from the Universidade Para All (pronounce).
To check available vacancies, you can access the
Single Portal for Access to Higher Education and click on the button “Check vacancies”. Available vacancies can be filtered by state, municipality, course name and course concept at MEC, and it is possible to choose the educational institution and the place of offer.Fies is a Ministry of Education program that grants funding to students in non-free higher education courses, provided that the educational institution is evaluated positively by the National System for the Evaluation of Higher Education (Sinaes) and adheres to the program.