Dogs love to be petted in THESE parts

People in love with animals usually find a way to have one at home. Cats and dogs are the most common to be seen and then tamed. Among various forms of affection, there are regions in the body that dogs love to be petted and that's exactly what we'll detail below.

Shows of affection are always welcome.

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It's not news that there are pet owners who still make mistakes when it comes to showing affection with their pet. animal. That's because there are parts of the body that dogs, for example, hate to be touched.

To avoid this, see below the most common areas that our faithful friend loves to receive affection:

1. Stomach

The belly is champion when it comes to giving kindness to dogs. Rubbing this region of your animal can make you extremely happy. However, care is needed, as there are some cases where this act can cause discomfort, so watch out.

2. Ears

Due to several nerve endings in this region, when we are petting it, endorphins are released and your dog begins to feel a great sense of well-being.

3. back of neck

The neck, in general, is an area where dogs love to be petted, but the back of this area is the most ideal for petting. That's because it's a sensitive place, so when receiving delicate touches, the dog feels a very satisfying relaxation.

4. Back

Due to the fact that the dog cannot access the back, a caress in this region is synonymous with relaxation and well-being. In addition, they may feel itchy, so it is important for caregivers to always smooth this region.

Avoid petting this area of ​​your best friend's body

In general, dogs love to be cuddled. However, there are some places that their owners should avoid. We are talking about legs, muzzle, paws and tail.

Touching these places can cause painful nuisance and even tickle the animal.

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