These are the benefits of including walnuts in your daily diet.

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Nature provides us foods wonderful and that add a lot to our health, among these foods are nuts, which have many benefits nutritional, especially if they are consumed daily. Keep reading and find out why they are so important and start including nuts in your diet.

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The nutritional benefits of walnuts

Nuts are edible seeds that develop into hard shells, which are very similar in shape to a brain. They have been present in our diets for centuries, so they are constantly being studied.

Through research it was possible to prove its most varied nutritional benefits. For example, this food is a vitality bomb, as it is a great source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and is rich in fats.

These oilseeds have an immensely pleasant flavor and are traditional foods at the end of year festivities. However, their daily consumption is recommended, as they add important nutrients to the body.

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The benefits of walnuts

  • Heart-friendly fats: walnuts are high in omega-3 fat, which is heart-protective fat. Omega-3 lowers triglycerides and positively affects the formation of plaque in the arteries. Thus, they are directly associated with low levels of LDL (bad cholesterol).
  • Weight: Nuts are essential for weight control, as they are nutrient-rich foods, which means that even if consumed in small quantities, they add a lot of health to your diet. Nuts contain protein, fiber and healthy fats, all of which increase satiety. Adding them to your daily snack menu will control your hunger and prevent you from consuming calories without good nutrients for your body.
  • Brain booster: walnuts have antioxidant effects, which ward off oxidative stress, and are a good source of vegetable fats, omega-3s, and a variety of polyphenolic compounds. It has important factors for aging and has been shown to protect against the decline of cognitive functions.
  • Helps fight depression: walnuts, with their polyphenolic composition, can have an optimal effect on the brain axis of the intestine and on the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. Thus, they end up acting in the fight against depression.
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