These foods are not as healthy as you think!

Consuming healthy foods is the main alternative to having a healthy life and body. However, some of them are not as beneficial to health as claimed. As a result, many uninformed people who seek to improve their diet, especially those who avoid sugar, are harmed. So today we list 5 foods who are not as healthy as they appear to be. So know what to consume or not.

“Healthy” Foods That Aren’t Healthy

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Check out now the foods sold as healthy, but which are more harmful than you can imagine:

energy bars

Due to the great media appeal of these bars, mainly because they have images of athletes linked to them, many consume them. However, they are not the bed of roses that everyone thinks. Being clearly described on the back of their packaging, the nutritional information points out the high carbohydrate and fat content.

canned soup

Although it has vegetables and greens in its composition, canned soup is often not so beneficial. This is because the sodium content of this product is considerably high, making it low in fiber and protein. In addition, the cans have a coating of bisphenolA (BPA) responsible for causing insulin resistance and maintaining the risk of obesity.


Very well known and widely used in the fitness world, it is perhaps the most surprising item on this list. Due to the intense use of oils used to unite the grains, which are even sweetened with sugar, the consumption of granola becomes harmful. In addition to having a high sugar index, granola also has non-fat fats in its composition. healthy.


Yes, fruits are indeed completely healthy food. However, when marketed in this way, many sugars are used in its composition. Thus becoming a very caloric and high-sugar food. However, its consumption is not completely ruled out, but it is recommended to consume it in moderation.

cereal bar

Finally, the famous cereal bar is another surprising item on the list. What happens is that it usually has a lot of sugar. In fact, many of them have a low amount of fiber and are sweeter than a chocolate bar, for example. Therefore, consuming the cereals themselves is much healthier than the bars.

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