Why was McDonald's slow to add fries to the menu?

Fries are arguably one of McDonald's most iconic menu items. However, despite the current fame, surprisingly, they were not present from the beginning.

When McDonald's opened its first location in California in 1940, the original menu offered customers chips instead of French fries. Back then, the 15 cent hamburger was the standout item on the chain's menu.

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Just nine years later, the French fries replaced chips and became the diner's most popular side dish. Since then, the dish has become a globally recognized symbol of the famous fast food chain.

At that time, the recipe was a popular delicacy in Europe, but it had not yet gained fame in the United States.

Lack of access to quality potato chips and the technology needed to produce them on a large scale was a one of the main factors that delayed its introduction in American fast food restaurants, including McDonald's.

It was only after production and distribution techniques improved that potato chips began to become widely available in the United States. McDonald's was quick to adopt them as an essential part of its menu.

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From that moment on, the dish became an indispensable item in fast food restaurants across the country, conquering the American palate and becoming one of the most beloved specialties in the world. McDonalds.

In fact, during World War I, US soldiers stationed in France discovered French fries and fell in love with them.

Upon returning to their country of origin, these men brought with them a love for this delicacy, which helped boost its popularity in the country.

Over time, French fries have become a must-have side dish in many American restaurants and diners. However, the McDonalds added this option to its menu only later in the course of the 1940s.

Over time, the recipe became an absolute success and one of the most emblematic characteristics of McDonald's. These days, French fries are widely recognized as one of the most popular and beloved side dishes around the world.

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