Did you know? Carrying a bay leaf in your wallet has incredible benefits.

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Most of us carry superstitions, after all we are always looking for a way to bring good things into our lives, in addition to taking everything that is negative out of our way. Therefore, to ensure success wherever you go, you need to know the great potential behind bay leaf and how she can be an element of positivity in all aspects:

Take a bay leaf with you.

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Bay leaf is commonly used in a variety of recipes to add more flavor to food. However, more than an ingredient, the leaf has a connection with the mystic.

Basically serving as an amulet responsible for leaving good things in your path, we can learn a lot from using it in everyday life.

Its connection with the mystical comes from being considered a plant that represents achievements, success, prosperity, something we want in abundance in our lives.

So, note that the simplicity of serving as an ingredient in the kitchen is not just what defines it, so we should explore more of its peculiarities.

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It's good that you have a basic knowledge of what superstitions and sympathies are to proceed, but surely you should already have a certain kind of familiarity.

Don't go under stairs, don't step on cracks in the street, never leave your mother's sandals upside down; these are just some of the most popular superstitions.

Sympathies, on the other hand, consist of performing an action through a specific process to obtain something you want, whether it be a job vacancy, love in life or money.

And speaking of money, keeping a bay leaf in your wallet is considered a way to multiply earned money, to call fortune to yourself.

And if you just want to bring hope and good things in general, it's recommended to keep a bay leaf under your pillow to help.

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