Meaning of Coercion (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Coercion corresponds to repression. O act or effect of repressing something or someone it's called a coercive act.

The expression can also mean the act of pressuring, forcing or inducing someone to obtain something through threats or intimidation. Through coercion, a person is forced to take a certain attitude that was not wanted by him.

For example, in the sentence "Information was revealed under coercion", the word coercion indicates that the data was only passed through a threat or repression.

The expression "coercive measures" is used to designate a set formed by restrictive measures.

social coercion

Social coercion is a concept of the French sociologist and anthropologist Émile Durkheim (1858-1917), applied in his theory about the social fact (principles, rules and form of control and organization of a society).

The author claimed that the acceptance of reality would be an act of social coercion, due to the power of the coercive force that society exerts on individuals.

It would be the way of thinking and acting shaped according to what the community thinks, does or understands as correct, leaving no room for individuality or for the individual's independence.

Read more about Sociology.

Coercion in Law

In legal terms, coercion is a measure taken by the State to obligatorily guarantee the fulfillment of a duty or a law.

THE coercive driving, for example, is a measure that can be used to drive an individual, being carried out by the police, with a permission given by law. It can be used, for example, to ensure compliance with a subpoena.

See more about how a coercive driving.

Coercion can also take place to compel a witness to attend an interrogation or a court hearing. In this case, the measure is called coercive driving warrant.

coercion and coercion

The words are similar and can be used synonymously. But they can also have differences in their meanings, depending on the application.

Mainly in relation to the Law, the words are different. Coercion, as we have seen, is a measure used by the State to ensure compliance with a law or an obligation.

already the coercion it can be used with the meaning of causing a person to act against his will, forcing him to take an unwanted attitude.

In coercion there can be violence (psychological or physical), in legal coercion this does not occur.

Learn more about the meaning of Coercion.

Synonyms of coercion

Here are some words that can be used synonymously with coercion:

  • Coercion
  • Repression
  • deterrence
  • Embarrassment
  • Oppression
  • Imposition
  • Prohibition

See also the meaning of Coercive.

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