Cell phones may be the main cause of premature aging

It was discovered through a recent study by leading scientists at the University of Oregon that the great causative of the early appearance of wrinkles in men and women can be the blue light. She is responsible for the clarity we see and comes from electronic devices such as television, tablets and cell phones.

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To obtain these results, the scientists used flies as guinea pigs. They put the insects under blue light. The flies were divided into two groups. One of them was exposed to the constant effect while the other was left in a place where there was no exposure for 14 days.

Study result

At the end of the test, the insects were killed so that they could be analyzed. With that, it was possible to perceive that the flies that were directly under the blue light presented a cellular aging and high levels of chemical succinate, which are radiation protective agents and which also point to a loss in the production of energy.

It was also possible to notice a lower level of glutamate, which is an amino acid that acts as an excitatory neurotransmitter and plays a key role in neurodegenerative diseases, that is, low glutamate levels may be linked to the onset of neurodegeneration (progressive loss of functioning of the neurons). They also showed a high release of stress-fighting genes. This indicates that cell activity has begun to operate below normal, which can trigger premature cell death.

The flies that were not exposed to any kind of light did not have any abnormal changes, so they tended to live much longer. The creators of the study understood that this process can occur in various cells of the human body. In view of this conclusion, new research will be carried out so that they can understand what happens when a person suffers the same type of exposure and has to deal with the same consequences.

In addition to cell aging, the changes that can occur in metabolism and involving energy production are also a matter of great concern. However, it is important to remember that the study used blue light in a more intense way than what we are exposed to in everyday life.

The leader of the study, researcher Jaga Giebultowicz who studies biological clocks, was keen to explain:

“There are major concerns that increasing and prolonged exposure to artificial light – especially if LED light enriched with blue light – is harmful to human health. Although the full effects of lifetime exposure are not yet known in humans, the accelerated aging observed in short-lived model organisms should alert us to the potential for cellular damage”.

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