According to Harvard, adopting these 6 habits can lead to goal achievement

We often find ourselves in front of dreams that we want to accomplish in the near or distant future, but when we think about them, they seem to be unattainable. It is natural that this can affect our mood and cause a slight feeling of discomfort.

However, there are always paths and techniques we can follow to get closer to those goals that seem so far from being achieved in life.

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This perception was identified by Kujiro Nonaka, an academic at Hitotsubashi University in Japan, and by Hirotaka Takeuchi, an academic of Management Practices at the Harvard Business School, in the United States.

They conducted research that revealed the existence of some seemingly simple habits, but which in the long run can be of great help in achieving success.

These habits can be incorporated into the daily routine and play a significant role in the journey towards achieving goals.

In the book “The Wise Company: How Companies Create Continuous Innovation” (2019), professors explored the relationship between corporate innovation and the continuous growth of companies. They devoted their analysis to identifying specific actions that contribute to achieving these desired goals.

According to experts, they created six new habits so that people can achieve their goals. Check out!

6 habits to change your life

1. have a routine

One of the recommended initial measures is to establish a daily routine that includes the tasks to be performed. This practice can have a significant impact when organizing thoughts and planning activities. essential, whether in studies or at work, ensuring a greater success rate in your execution.

2. question yourself

The second step is to ask questions. According to the authors, this practice is more commonly applied and people should question themselves, especially when it comes to identifying an organization's mission, vision and values. Ask “why am I here?” whenever necessary.

3. Think of the possibilities

The third custom recommended by experts is to exercise the brain to contemplate the two possibilities that may exist. Rather than limiting yourself to a single option on a given issue or problem, it is wise to practice thinking in ways that consider solutions where both ends can come true.

4. Spend more time outdoors

Incorporating the habit of spending more time outdoors is also an action that should be considered.

In addition to Nonaka and Takeuchi's recommendation to adopt this practice in everyday life, several scientific studies have explored how performing activities in natural environments or outdoors can positively impact the state of mind, decrease the level of stress and improve the quality of life. sleep.

5. be inspired by someone

Seeking inspiration from other people can also be of great help. It is a common practice, unfortunately, to feel a little uncomfortable with the success of others in some cases, it is always good to observe the steps that others are following and try to follow the same path.

In this sense, the authors recommend listening to famous speeches by public interest figures as a source of personal inspiration.

6. read more

Practicing reading can have a significant impact on achieving your goals. This activity offers a number of benefits, such as improving comprehension, expanding vocabulary and other advantages for yourself.

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