THESE 6 signs can indicate falsehood in the people around you

Although verbal communication is the most used among people, it is not the only one. Another very interesting one is the non-verbal language.

It even says a lot about what people feel or think. Have you ever noticed that someone has been dishonest with you?

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Well then, body language, which is one of the non-verbal variations, can reveal that, in fact, there was an absence of honesty in a given situation. See below for more details on this.

Explore other forms of communication

Have you ever come across a person who, during a conversation, repeats the same body gestures? well that calls non-verbal language. Below we list the main ones that define when a person is being dishonest with you.

Avoid eye contact

If you were ever in a conversation and the person avoided eye contact as much as possible, you can be sure that he was being false to you. It is very common for her gaze to be constantly averted or blink excessively.

Fake smile

The smile may or may not indicate whether the person is beingfalse. However, a genuine smile has wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

The fake, on the other hand, is clear when being forced and does not involve the eye area at all.

Another important point is the duration of the smile, the longer it is, the truer it is.

has a defensive posture

One of the most common body signals is when the arms are crossed, or the body is rocking from side to side, and finally, when the person turns away from you.

They all indicate signs of protection, that is, that the person is not open to a dialogue.

nervous movements

Restlessness during a conversation clearly demonstrates that the person is being false to you. Movements such as moving your legs, tapping your fingers on the table, or touching your faceexcessively are signs that she is hiding something.

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