4 phrases that should NEVER be said to a child

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During our childhood, we are exposed to several phrases that can have a significant impact on our personality and self-esteem.

Many times, these phrases are said without malice by our parents, relatives or friends. But even so, they can leave deep marks on us.

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Some of the most common phrases we heard in childhood included: “You are not good enough”, “You are a failure”, “You always do everything wrong”, “You will never succeed”, among others. These phrases can make us feel inadequate, insecure and unmotivated.

Therefore, we decided to bring out the impacts that each of these words can bring to anyone's life, especially a child. Check out!

“You are not good enough”

This sentence has a very harmful effect. That's because when a child hears these words, he may start to question his own abilities and feel unable to perform simple tasks.

This limiting belief can carry over into adulthood and prevent a person from reaching their true potential.

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“You are a failure”

When we say a sentence like that, we manage to bring a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness to those who are listening.

The child may believe that no matter how hard he tries, he will never be able to succeed at anything. This can lead to self-esteem and self-confidence issues, preventing you from taking risks and trying new things in the future.

“You always do everything wrong”

This is the kind of phrase that makes a child feel incompetent and discouraged. She may begin to avoid challenging tasks or feel anxious in situations where she might make mistakes. This can limit your personal and professional growth.

“You will never make it”

When a sentence like this is said, you are saying to the child that it is better for him to give up before even trying. What's worse is that she may believe that it's not worth the effort because she will never be able to achieve her goals.

This is also a limiting belief that can and has everything to prevent the person from reaching their dreams and goals in adult life.

Be careful with the words!

It is always important to remember that words have power and that we must be careful what we say to others, especially children.

As we've seen throughout the text, a negative sentence can have a lasting effect on someone's self-esteem and confidence.

However, if you identify with some of these phrases and feel that they have affected your personality and self-esteem, know that it is still possible to change this situation.

Identifying these limiting beliefs and working to change this reality can help you develop a more positive and healthy self-image.

Don't forget that you are capable of changing the way you see yourself and becoming the best version of yourself!


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