Find out what the job trends are for the coming decades

Much is said about the advancement of technology as a factor that can hinder access to employment in a future next. However, studies show that the new needs of the market will also have to integrate millions of people into new functions or old jobs with updates.

These are then the professions of the future and they are based on the trends of the contemporary Global System and the needs to be met. See what they are and see how to prepare for a bright future!

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Read more: Discover high-paying jobs that don't have much prominence

Machine Learning Engineer

If in the past decades traditional engineering dominated the market, in the coming years new engineering will be more present. Among them is, certainly, Machine Learning Engineering, which is a new modality and which pays BRL 7,660 for Brazilians. In this case, this profession consists of analyzing and developing programs that work with the Machine Learning method.

This new technology, in turn, works with the adjustment of machines and software so that they develop so-called human skills. Thus, more and more computers would be able to make decisions based on variables and mathematical calculations.

data scientist

Still within the perspective of technology, we could not forget the Engineers and Data Scientists. These professionals work with computer programs that are already relatively well known, such as Python and R. With these systems, it is possible to organize data, statistics and information from the most diverse areas. Then, the Data Scientist would be responsible for analyzing the information that the program captures for decision making.

Cybersecurity Specialist

The technology network and the internet have not only brought benefits, and as proof of this are the constant cyber attacks on important institutions. Therefore, the future will have to value Cybersecurity Specialists a lot, who are professionals who take care of the prevention of virtual attacks. Furthermore, it is estimated that the salary currently averages R$3,400, but with a tendency to increase.

Occupational Psychologist

In fact, psychologists are already very present in our world today and they do a very important job. However, in the future, Occupational Psychologists, who deal with Recruitment and Selection and Mental Health at Work, will receive greater attention. These get a salary of R$ 3,000 at current prices.

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Scheduled obsolescence. The issue of planned obsolescence

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Vitamin D: what it is, functions, deficiency and sources

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