Careful! This exercise can age your face, says surgeon

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Overall, the physical exercises produce many positive effects on our body and we all know that. However, it is possible to find some contraindications or even warnings about moderation in intensity and frequency. In this sense, a doctor went viral with a video about the physical exercise that can age the face, see below what it is.

Careful! This exercise will age your face!

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The exercise in question is running, as it provides a lot of movement in the tissues of the face. At least that's what plastic surgeon Dr. Gerald Imber, who has over 3 million followers on his social media. It was even on one of these networks that Imber shared a video that went viral on the internet about this theory of facial aging.

In the video, Dr. Imber invites us to observe a scene from a film in which the character is running. Then, we will be able to notice that there is a constant facial movement, with the skins of the cheeks and other parts of the body moving up and down. So, he claims that gravity will play its part and the face can age faster.

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Furthermore, the doctor it also says that there is a loss of fat in the face as much as elsewhere, which can make the face look saggy. Thus, he recommends that people practice lower intensity exercises, such as walking, for example. However, it is worth remembering that there are still no scientific confirmations on the subject.

However, there are many benefits to running; Look!

If, on the one hand, it is not known for sure how running can influence the youth of the face, on the other hand, we have proof of the benefits of running. Among them is to improve the health of the cardiovascular system, which reduces the risk of you developing heart disease or even having a heart attack.

However, that's not all, because, scientifically, there is proof of the relationship between running and reducing anxiety symptoms and even that running influences longevity. Thus, each person must consider what matters most to him, and also consider that running remains an interesting option for health.

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