Appearing self-confident in public may not be an easy task for everyone. Maintaining a natural tone of voice, posture, smile on your face and firmness are behaviors to adopt and assume self-confidence. However, self-confident people also know which behaviors to drop when they are in public.
Tips for looking confident
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Check out the list we prepared for you to be more confident in everyday situations:
Don't sabotage others
In order to appear self-confident in public, it's critical that you don't try to sabotage or put other people down just to get what you want. On the contrary, people self-confident they support each other and do their best for them to make progress.
Don't try to be the center of attention
There's nothing more boring than being next to people who seek to be the center of attention all the time. If you want to appear self-confident, avoid shouting and other artificial gestures and let recognition come simply and spontaneously from your peers.
Don't act like you know everything
Having the humility to recognize that you don't know everything and are willing to learn is a classic behavior of self-confident people. In public it becomes even more important, because it is a way of showing vulnerability and openness to asking for help when you don't know something.
don't make excuses
Knowing when you made a mistake and accepting the mistake without giving or apologizing is a behavior of self-confident people. Some events, in fact, are not in our hands. However, self-confident people assume their own failures without blaming others all the time.
Don't run away from mistakes
Hand in hand with the behavior of not making excuses is the habit of self-confident people not running away from mistakes in public. Likewise, they know that failure is a source of learning and growth, so they embrace their mistakes and learn from them.
don't be self critical
Being self-aware is different from being self-critical. This means that the confident person is aware of his strengths and weaknesses without letting this get in the way of his relationship with himself or others.