Meaning of Preposition (What it is, Concept and Definition)

A preposition is any invariable word that links two other words, establishing between them certain relationships of meaning and dependence. Examples: Home in Luís (ownership relationship). Has arrived with Is it over there (company relationship).

Note: The term preceding the preposition is called ruler and the term that follows is called governed.

classification of prepositions

Prepositions can be essential and accidental.

the essential prepositions are those words that only work as prepositions: a, before, after until, with, against, from, from, in, between, to, before, by, without, under, over, behind.

the accidental prepositions are those words from other grammatical classes that, in certain sentences, work as a preposition: outside, as, according, during, except, through, minus, saved, second, visa etc. Example: acted second your convictions (preposition). he was the second student to enter the room (ordinal numeral).

Preposition Values

Prepositions, isolated from a context, have no logical sense, but when placed in a sentence, they can indicate many different relationships:

place, time, mode, distance, cause, company, instrument, purpose. Examples: I will soon The Pomegranate (place). the train will be here in one hour (time). were expected with anxiety (mode).

prepositional phrase

Prepositional phrase is when the relationship between two or more words is established by an expression and not by a singleword. When this occurs the expression is called prepositional phrase. Examples: adown from, behind, above, because of, beside from tofrom, opposite, according to, to, close to.

Combination, contraction and back

Combination it is when the preposition can appear in conjunction with another word without loss of the phonetic element. Examples: to the (a + o), to where (to+where) etc.

Contraction it is when the preposition in conjunction with another word suffers phonetic loss. Examples: of (from +o), of this (from+this) etc.

All the fusion of identical vowels forms the back: Examples: à (backtape of the preposition a + the article a). That one (backtape in the preposition a + the first vowel of the pronoun that).

Note: The preposition of must not be contracted with the article that heads the subject of a verb, Examples: It's in the moment from to jaguar drink water. the time has come from him get out.

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