Percentage of Brazilians in default due to food expenses rises

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With the increase in inflation, Brazilians ended up losing a lot of purchasing power, which was no longer the most admired. The scariest thing is to see her reach the sector nourishing. In this scenario, some consumers found themselves defaulting precisely because they were unable to afford the amounts spent on family food.

Read more: Inflation hinders the increase in purchasing power of Brazilians

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Data collected by Boa Vista, a financial intelligence and credit analysis company, showed that the percentage of those who were in the red because of food costs reaches 18% this year.

Indebtedness for food expenses is greater than for loans

The same survey showed that the expenses that most led consumers to default were those with miscellaneous accounts, such as education, taxes, health and leisure. All of this came to the equivalent of 23%. Food expenses came in second with the highest percentage seen since the 2017 surveys.

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Another expense that led and continues to lead consumers into debt is the personal loan, as this is responsible for 15% of the total number of people with a bad name at the moment. Although it seems high, the number is lower than that found in the second half of last year, for example, since it was at 17%.

Almost 30% of respondents relate the situation they are in to the fact that they are unemployed. This justification increased compared to 2021, where it reached 27% in the second half. Already 24% of survey participants responded that they owe because of the drastic decrease in income, a percentage that is also higher than that found in the same period last year, which was 21%.

According to the economist at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), Flavio Calife: “Unemployment is historically the main cause of negative data and continues as such, despite the fact that rates have been decreasing in recent months, according to IBGE”.

Among participants who reported a situation of default, 63% said they had three or more accounts with late payment. Most are more than 90 days overdue. It's also something that hasn't been seen in a while. For 56% of participants, debts exceed R$ 3 thousand. In 2021, that number represented 51%.

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