Who is entitled to PIS/Pasep withdrawal?

Many workers are unaware that the resources of the Social Integration Program (PIS) and the Civil Servant Heritage Training Program (Pasep) are released for the withdraw since they were released in August of this year. So if you want to know who is entitled to withdraw PIS/Pasep, just continue reading this article.

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Who can withdraw the value of PIS/Pasep?

According to a report released on August 25, around 10.6 million Brazilians still have not withdrawn the R$ 24.6 billion available in PIS/Pasep. Those who worked with a formal contract in the private sector between 1971 and October 4, 1988 are entitled to the withdrawal. Those interested can look for Caixa agencies or carry out the search by digital means.

Until 2020, Caixa alone managed the PIS salaries of private sector employees. The Pasep fund, on the other hand, was administered by Banco do Brasil (BB), with public servants, military and state servants as beneficiaries. However, with Provisional Measure 946, revised in 2020, the PIS/Pasep fund was extinguished, and all resources were transferred to the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), adding all the Bank's savings Central.

According to Caixa, since the transfer of quotas to the FGTS until July 31 of this year, the bank has paid R$493 million to 340,000 former employees. Dependents and heirs are entitled to resources in the event of the beneficiary's death.

How to withdraw?

The withdrawal can be requested through the FGTS application, which also allows the transfer of resources to a current account and the authorization of specific withdrawals in cash. When opening the application, the user must select the message option “You have available balance”. The next step is to follow “Request PIS/Pasep release” and, at the end, choose the withdrawal method: account credit or gift.

After completing these steps, the worker must review the data and select the “Confirm withdrawal” option.

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