Check out the most researched banks when it comes to credit cards

When we touch on the issue of credit cards, we can soon see that those who still dominate the issuing segment in the country are still the traditional banks.

According to a survey that was carried out on a platform called Melhor Câmbio, five banks were identified that are mainly responsible for issuing cards, starting with Itaú and moving on to Santander, Bradesco, Banco do Brasil and Caixa Econômica Federal, where they continue to be the banks most sought after by consumers who want to acquire a credit card. credit.

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A study called “Credit Card Search Trends” was carried out in partnership with Agência Conversion, where they carried out a analysis of more than 30 million searches on the well-known website 'takes the guesswork out', Google, from June last year to May this year year.

The study showed that although digital banks have become increasingly popular among the Brazilian people, they have not yet enough for them to be able to visibly beat traditional banks when it comes to credit cards.

According to the research that was carried out, Nubank, PicPay, C6 and also Banco Inter managed to reach only 27.7% of searches. If you add the percentage of searches by these institutions, they manage to pass by a negligible difference to Banco Itaú. Check out the list of the most sought after banks to have a credit card below.

  • Itaú: 23.8%
  • Santander: 13.7%
  • Bradesco: 10.9%
  • Nubank: 10%
  • PicPay: 7.2%
  • Cash: 6.3%
  • C6: 5.9%
  • Inter: 4.6%

It is also possible to visualize, according to the results of this research that was carried out, that the people Brazilians always look for options that can bring some kind of advantage along with the use of card. What has been most sought after are the Black, Platinum and Gold modalities.

The Black card option has been the most sought after among all the others, with a mark of 82.6%. We can also see in the survey that there was a very significant increase in credit card searches for negative people, reaching the mark of 1,300% within 12 months.

Finally, we can say that this survey revealed that many people seek urgency when it comes to credit cards. Brazilians have sought an immediate release of credit and because of this, banks or financial institutions that carry out the release in a faster way, end up attracting more customers.

In this way, even though digital banks are not among the first most searched on Google, they have a great chance of rising in the ranking due to their facilitations.

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