Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan Data

Azerbaijan is one of the former republics of the Soviet Union, is located in the far east of the European continent, located in the mountainous region of the Caucasus. Its territory is limited to Georgia, Russia, Turkmenistan, Iran and Armenia, in addition to being bathed by the Caspian Sea.
The Islamic religion is followed by the majority, a consequence of the occupation of Turks, Arabs and Persians.
Azerbaijan gained independence on August 30, 1991, following the fragmentation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The country is a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).
The country came into conflict with neighboring Armenia in 1991, the reason being the possession of the territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. During the confrontation, approximately 500,000 Azerbaijanis were left homeless. Another aggravating factor was the country's economy, which was devastated by the war and the collapse of the regime. communist, which caused significant drops in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first half of the decade of 1990.

In recent years, Azerbaijan has returned to investing in oil and natural gas exploration in the Caspian Sea (considered the third largest oil reserve in the world). With that, the country presented significant economic growth. Another economic activity of great importance developed in the national territory is agriculture.

Coat of Arms of Azerbaijan

Data from Azerbaijan:
Territorial extension: 86,600 km².
Location: Europe.
Capital: Baku.
Climate: Temperate continental.
Government: Republic with mixed form of government.
Administrative division: 64 districts, 1 autonomous region (Nagorno-Karabakh) and 1 autonomous republic (Nakhitchevan).
Language: Azerbaijan.
Religion: Islam 83.7%, no religion 10.8%, Christianity 4.6% (Orthodox 4.4%, others 0.2%), atheism 0.5%, Judaism 0.4%.
Population: 8,832,172 inhabitants. (Men: 4,316,716; Women: 4,515,456).
Ethnic Composition: Azeris 83%, Russians 6%, Armenians 6%, Lezgines 2.4%, Avars 0.6%, Ukrainians 0.5%, Tatars 0.4%, others 1.1%.
Demographic density: 96 inhabitants/km².
Average annual population growth rate: 0.51%.
Population residing in urban areas: 52.02%.
Population residing in rural areas: 47.98%.
Undernourished population: 12%.
Life expectancy at birth: 67.3 years.
Households with access to drinking water: 78%.
Households with access to a health network: 80%.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.713 (high).
Currency: Manat.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP): US$31,249 million.
GDP per capita: US$3,691.
External relations: World Bank, CIS, IMF, UN.

By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

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