After the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of people who sought medical help as a result of some psychological disorder grew. Given this, the work environment was also affected by this growth. For this reason, assistance from INSS for mental illness began to be requested by law for a determined period until the worker was able to return to his activities. Keep reading and learn more about the benefit.
Find out about the INSS sickness benefit
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Check now what the INSS sickness benefit for workers suffering from mental illness:
1. INSS sickness benefit
Since the pandemic, in 2020, there have been more than 200,000 requests from sick pay for workers who have developed a mental illness.
The benefit in question is paid by the Federal Government during the period in which the worker is away from his activities and treating his illness with professionals.
2. Illness benefit X retirement
Unlike disability retirement, the aid is temporary, as it is believed that the worker who manages to treat himself will be able to return to his job normally, while retirement is lifetime.
3. How to access INSS assistance
Initially, for a person to gain access to INSS aid, they will need to undergo a medical examination at a unit of the National Social Security Institute (INSS).
After the worker is unable to carry out his activities for a period longer than 15 days, he will need to have at least 12 months of contribution to the INSS to apply for the aid.
4. Mental illnesses that guarantee access to sickness benefit
Check now which mental illnesses make it possible for workers to leave to be treated and receive sick pay from the Federal Government:
- Depression;
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder;
- Baby blues;
- Post-traumatic stress;
- Schizophrenia;
- Bipolar disorder;
- Anorexia;
- Social anxiety disorder;
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder;
- borderline personality disorder;
- Mental and behavioral changes due to alcohol use.